About The Conference
About Meetup
Space gaining is one of the most common procedures in orthodontics.
Together with skilled professionals of this topic, we will review the state of the art of the current methods and explore how new devices such as TADS are overcoming limitations of the past
Day Event
Seats available

Prof. Lorenzo Franchi
2025 SIDO President
Dr. Fabio Giuntoli
2023 President of AIdOr
Prof. Olivier Sorel
2019 EOS President
Dr. Alvise Caburlotto

Dr. Alessandro Gianolio

Dr. Elena Grecolini

Dr. Massimiliano Ciaravolo

Dr. Giuseppe Perinetti
Palatal expansion: How, why when Dr. Fabio Giuntoli - 2023 President of Accademia Italiana Ortodonzia – Chairman
- 09:30 am
Is rapid maxillary expansion effective for arch space gaining in the long term?Prof. Lorenzo Franchi (2025 SIDO President)
10.30 am
RPE from analogic to digitalDr. Alvise Caburlotto, Mr. Gabriele Scommegna (Leone Research and Development Director)
11:20 am
Coffee break
11.40 am
Leaf: a game changerDr. Alessandro Gianolio
12.41 pm
13.45 pm
Slow Maxillary expansion in growing casesProf. Olivier Sorel (2019 EOS President)
14.45 pm
Slow Maxillary expansion in adult cases Dr.ssa Elena Grecolini
15.45 pm
Coffee break
16.05 pm
Alleo+: Hybrid mode aligner Dr. Massimiliano Ciaravolo
17.00 pm
End of session
TADs: from auxiliary device to determining one
- 09.00 am
Cappuccino and Cornetto (Breakfast together)
- 09.30 am
Adult Palatal Expansion: Overcoming current limitations by use of TadsDr. Giuseppe Perinetti
- 11:30 am
TADs supported distalization Dr. Alessandro Gianolio
- 12.30 pm
End of Symposium
- 26 May
Gala Dinner @ Palazzo Budini Gattai
Starting time 20:00
More info: https://www.palazzobudinigattai.it - 27 May
Visit Museo Opera del Duomo Saturday afternoon
More info: https://duomo.firenze.it/it/scopri/museo-dell-opera-del-duomo